Nikolay Kopeikin Art project SB BS and STP

Nikolay Kopeikin Art project SB BS and STP

Nikolay Kopeikin Art project SB BS and STP (Sponge Bob, Bonge Spb and Scientific and Technical Progress) is not thematic.
More likely it is nothing but a presentation of pictorial paintings of an artist, Nikolai Kopeikin, which he created in his unalterable style of multi-realism. Pursuing a constructive method of dramatization of the idiotic, and idiotization of dramatic occurrences, the author introduces the audience to his view of already known phenomena of today. Continue reading

Sergey Pachomov “We are dead already ili Pizdulkin slushaet”

Sergey Pachomov “We are dead already ili Pizdulkin slushaet”

Sergey Pachomov “We are dead already ili Pizdulkin slushaet”
Sergey Pakhomov gladly flaunts two main characteristics of his work, which are absurdity and idiocy. He ambitiously positions them as his creative credo. So what exactly does he mean? We would probably be better off not knowing, but let’s try anyway. We all know the meaning of these words of the foreign origin. Continue reading

Mikhail Rozanov

Mikhail Rozanov

Mikhail Rozanov
After half a lifetime in dire straits I am already old; I stand alone in my study to whistle in the night breeze. The pearl under my pen has no where to sell; it is tossed and thrown into the wild vine. Xu Wei, 16th century It’s been three years since Mikhail Rozanov, a well-known Moscow-based photographer, opened his grandiose show of his architectural studies of colonnades and fountains at D137 gallery. Continue reading

Sergey Sapozhnikov

Sergey Sapozhnikov

Sergey Sapozhnikov. On the green light Painting of young artist Sergey Sapozhnikov from far Rostov-on-Don looks dual for the Petersburg spectators. On the one hand we can see all attributes of a nugget – the talent getting in space familiar to “Van Gogh’s myth” about almost mad genius who wasn’t understood by his contemporaries (from where Julius Meergrefe deduced the myth about the modern art). Continue reading